ACCIONA Energía and Enagás are driving, together with Cemex, Redexis, the Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) and the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands, a project to generate green hydrogen from photovoltaic energy. It will be used in a range of energy applications on Mallorca.
The Power to Green Hydrogen Mallorca project includes the construction of an electrolysis plant, the development of two photovoltaic plants to supply it and a Green Hydrogen Service Station on the island.
The solar plants, located in the municipalities of Lloseta and Petra, will have a capacity of 8.59 MWp and 6.5 MWp respectively. They will produce the renewable energy needed for the green hydrogen plant, which will generate and distribute more than 300 tonnes of H2 per year.
Green hydrogen will boost the decarbonization of the Balearic Islands through different applications: fuel supplies to public bus fleets and rental vehicles, the generation of heat and energy for public and commercial buildings, and the supply of auxiliary power to ferries and port operations.
A part of this renewable hydrogen will be injected into the island’s gas network, mixed with natural gas, which will reduce CO2 emissions from this fuel.
This industrial project is the core of the Green Hysland subsidized project, in which the European Union -through FCH JU (Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking)- has committed 10 million euros to support the deployment of the infrastructures required to make the renewable hydrogen system on Mallorca a reality.
The project comes under the “Green Hydrogen Route Map” approved by the Spanish Government, which seeks to place the country as a technological benchmark in the production and exploitation of green hydrogen.
Mallorca will be a model to be replicated in another five island territories (Valentia, Ireland; Ameland, The Netherlands; Tenerife, Spain; Madeira, Portugal, and the Greek Islands. It will also be part of an experience exchange network within the European initiative titled “Clean energy for the islands of the EU”.