Thu Aug 26
The rating falls within the “investment grade” category, reflecting “adequate credit quality” to meet the company’s financial obligations.
Thu Aug 26
Tue Aug 3
Las obras de la instalación solar concluirán en unos seis meses. Las plantas solares de Lloseta y Petra generarán electricidad renovable para la planta de hidrógeno de Lloseta, que producirá más de 300 toneladas de hidrógeno verde al año.
Tue Jul 27
The creation of the Polish joint venture follows the announcement earlier this year that ACCIONA Energía and SSE Renewables would work together to explore offshore wind opportunities in Spain and Portugal.
Thu Jul 22
The company has tripled its assets in Chile within two and a half years, reaching a 922MW renewable capacity. The pallets used for transporting the complex’s PV modules are reused for the manufacturing of furniture as part of a training and employment program in the area.
Tue Jul 13
This solution enhances the company’s range of services it offers to corporate and institutional clients to support their decarbonization. Green Smart Charge optimizes vehicle charging both economically and environmentally by prioritizing self-consumption renewable installations.