contributes to reducing energy poverty in San Juan del Puerto (Huelva)
8 de October de 2021
  • The installation features a photovoltaic plant of approximately 100kW of peak power, which will be located on the roof of the municipal sports pavilion., ACCIONA’s corporate foundation, will install a photovoltaic solar plant designed for collective self-consumption in San Juan del Puerto (Huelva). The project, created to help combat energy poverty and reduce the local carbon footprint, has been approved by the municipality’s council and is expected to be operational during the first half of 2022.

The installation features a photovoltaic plant of approximately 100kW of peak power, which will be located on the roof of the municipal sports pavilion. will contribute up to 50% of the electricity produced towards helping 50 families living in energy poverty to reduce their electricity bills. The rest of the energy generated by the plant will be used to supply local council buildings.

The San Juan del Puerto City Council will pay for the energy consumed over 15 years, which will guarantee a saving in comparison to conventional market prices. At the end of this period, the municipality will become the owner of the photovoltaic plant and will be in charge of its upkeep. will provide the equipment, material, installation, operation and maintenance of the plant over this period, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the project.

In addition, the city council and will collaborate in identifying which families are to benefit from this initiative and will also hold various informative and training sessions on the functioning of the project.

This is the first project that is carrying out in Spain, after having operated in Mexico, Peru and Panama.

PERU, MEXICO AND PANAMA’s mission is to contribute to the universalization of basic services and infrastructure that are linked to ACCIONA’s activities (access to energy, water and sanitation) and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Since 2008, ACCIONA’s corporate foundation has provided access to these basic services to around 68,000 people in isolated rural communities in Peru, Panama and Mexico.

In Peru’s Cajamarca region, the foundation supplies electricity to 4,000 homes, as well as to community centers (schools, churches, health centers, etc.). Also in Peru, the group is carrying out its ‘Luz en Casa Amazonía’ program, which provides electricity to more than 1,500 homes in the Peruvian basins of the Napo, Ucayali and Amazon rivers; and the ‘Agua en Casa’ program, which consists in upgrading the water and sanitation service management system and facilities in two communities in the country’s Ica department.

In Mexico, has helped more than 9,000 families in rural communities in Oaxaca, Chiapas and Nuevo León, by providing them with access to essential electricity, water, sanitation and cooking services through “eco-technologies”, which are designed to be environmentally and economically sustainable in the long term.

In Panama, provides access to basic electricity to more than 1,400 households in remote rural communities in the Ngäbe-Buglé indigenous region, the least developed area in the country.

All these initiatives are carried out in collaboration with other public, private and civil society actors, both national and international, as well as with the targeted population that benefits from the projects. All these groups share developmental goals with the foundation and are vital for the success of its projects.


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